Are there any rules or guidelines that i should follow when creating a modern interior design style?

Are there any rules or guidelines that i should follow when creating a modern interior design style?

Yes, there are some important rules and guidelines to keep in mind when designing a modern interior style.

Firstly, focus on functionality. Modern design should be practical and serve a purpose, rather than simply looking aesthetically pleasing. Think of ways to incorporate storage solutions into your design or opt for multi-functional furniture pieces that can serve multiple purposes.

Secondly, limit the number of colors and patterns you use in the space. Too many colors and textures can make an already small room feel even more cramped. Choose one accent color to add warmth and character to the room, while relying on neutral tones as the base color palette.

Finally, pay attention to lighting fixtures. Lighting is a crucial element of modern designs, and can completely transform the mood of a space. Invest in high-quality lighting fixtures to create atmosphere and draw attention to certain elements within the room.

By following these guidelines, you will be well on your way to creating a modern interior design style that is both stylish and practical. Good luck!

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